High Quality, Super Comfortable Fashion Jewelry with a Deeper Purpose.
       Look great wearing them... Feel great sharing them.™


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Suggest a store!

Would you like to see Unity Beads™ bracelets in your area?

If you have a favorite local store that you would like to carry the Unity Beads™ brand please use the form below to suggest that store. We will contact them politely, letting them know that you suggested our brand, and give them all the information they need to get started quickly and easily!

Thank you for your help and support!  


* indicates a required field

YOUR Name*:

YOUR Email*:

Store Name*:

Tell us as much as you can about the store you are suggesting below. Any fields you do not know can be left blank, and you can use the message field to add any notes.

Do you know the address of the store? (if not, leave blank):
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code

Do you know the store phone number?:

Do you know the store web site?:

Do you know if the store has an email address?:

Your Message - Include any additional information or details, or anything you would like to say to us:

Expand our Circle of Giving

Expand our Circle of Giving!

When you suggest a store that you would like to see carry Unity Beads™ bracelets, you are also helping to expand our Circle of Giving!

Simply fill out the form and we will take care of the rest.

Thank you for helping expand our Circle!
Copyright © Unity Beads™ all rights reserved